Hummingbirds are tiny birds with hearty appetites, and hummingbird feeders come in all sizes to keep these flying jewels well-fed. Both big and small nectar feeders have pros and cons, however, and…
Hummingbird feeders are essential to attract hummingbirds and enjoy outstanding views of these flying jewels. Where, exactly, are the best places to hang hummingbird feeders, not just for the birds, b…
When temperatures start to drop and frosts occur nightly in late fall and early winter, hummingbirds are long gone, right? Not always! Some hummingbirds overwinter in cooler areas, some may be late on…
Hummingbirds are some of the most sought after and desirable backyard birds, eagerly anticipated when they arrive in spring, brightening the summer months with their frequent visits, and missed in fal…
Raking is no one's favorite lawn and garden chore, but your backyard birds are the perfect excuse – and a legitimate one! – to put the rake down and leave yard debris alone. But do you know just how v…